I went yesterday with my dil and grandson to Children's Mercy Hospital for his physical therapy treatment. It will either make them wore out or bouncy off the wall as the saying goes. It really wound him up. He got some new exercises to do before he goes back. He was swinging from the ropes before we left and dropping on a mat. I can see what my dil meant by somethings after watching. The physical therapist says that he has lived with the problem for a long time and has now come to the point where he gets physically sick. They won't address his hearing issue until she gets through with him. If I get another opportunity to go, I will go with them again. He sure knows his way around down there. I would get lost. The people that work there that I met were awesome and so caring.
Hubby was really sick yesterday going both ways. He was still keeping soup down today. They said that his color was better, but yesterday was bad. Somebody brought a bug into the nursing home. Why do people either come to work sick or visit a patient that way is beyond me?
My craft show wasn't that good Saturday. There was just way to much competition. I did come home and go to the Southside Festival with my daughter and her family along with one of her friends that I hadn't seen for a long time. The only thing that my youngest grandson wanted to do was ride the ponies. At least they had a bigger horse for the bigger kids to ride. After seeing how they did the vendors, that is one craft show I wouldn't do. You would have to have a tent which would be hot. Theirs is a 3 day event. It was an enjoyable evening. I didn't spend much money.
Tomorrow is the eye doctor appointment. We find out if they are going to do injections into hubby's eye or if it will require surgery. Both of them scare me because I don't even like putting drops in my eyes, but I do so I can't imagine what it will be like that they are going to do to him.. I don't know what he would do if he lost his eye sight. I am praying for the best.
My grandson is through mowing the yard so I need to bring this to a close so that I can take him home. Have a wonderful rest of the week and enjoy the fall weather. Take care.