The clouds passing in front of the sun and wondering if it was going to rain some more or we would get the ranch rodeo in that night. Another horseshow was rained out today. I keep joking that we are going to be showing at Christmas in the snow. I have never seen such a wet year in a long time and the floods can't be blame on other people. My brother had over 20 inches of rain at the farm and we have had more since then. It just makes you wonder if it will stop. His garden got way to much rain so they didn't have the usual vegetables that we can normally get from him.

They did have the ranch rodeo in the mud about three weeks ago and it was a good thing or there would have been some of the cowboys getting hurt. They performed in groups of three all of the events. It was like working on the ranch branding cattle, sorting cattle and etc. They would have been doing a lot of walking if they actually worked on a ranch because every time they dropped the reins their horses headed for the gate. My grandson got to do the grand entry that night and help work with the cattle making sure the right numbers got into the arena. He had never done that before, but him and his buddy did a great job of helping out. I was watching a little one who couldn't been much over 3. He roped his brother and it took his mom and sister to help get his brother out of the rope. He was a stout little one and you could tell he definitely knew what he was doing. Such a cutie.
This past weekend was our family reunion. Three of us girls and four of my brothers with our extended families were there. I got to see some of my great nieces and nephews and their little ones that I hadn't seen for a long long time. We had a really a nice visit and the time just went much to fast. We had several three generations present.
School is almost up on us. I have a week and two days with my oldest two grandsons and I will be taking my youngest to school in the morning until his other grandparents get home vacation. My daughter started a new job this past week. It was scary there for about a month, but the company called her. She was going to put her resume together after school started, but the opportunity presented itself and she took it. It is different. A smaller company but does the same type work. Just thankful the prayers were answered.
Well hope to be back to normal in about three weeks for sure. I have already made up my mind that I won't go every day to the nursing home. He slept all afternoon today. All of you take care and I will be coming to visit.