Grandma got to go on the trip when he showed at the State 4-H Show in Sedalia, Missouri. One of his high-lights was going on an equine tour that took them to Canada. It was the first time he had been that far away from home. Their bus was huge and there were 50 kids plus Chaperons. He brought me home a small bottle of syrup from Canada.
The first picture was last weekend at the American Royal in Kansas City. I stayed home from that trip because there weren't any motels or hotels that were in my price range plus it was to close to my last trip.
I am hoping to go to at least one of his band competitions this fall, but will have to wait and see what happens there.
I don't know how he does it, but he can sleep on his horse. Both shows were big classes and if you got a call back you were happy with that even if you placed that was even better.
My youngest grandson volunteered at Safety town and one of the high lights was working with the little ones. He had to have so many volunteer hours for his rank in Scouts when he went to camp. He was tapped for Mico-Say at camp so now he has to build his costume. He is the third generation to belong to it. My husband and my oldest son was both in it. My oldest son was an Eagle Scout. He was lucky and wasn't at camp when it was triple digit heat. He always goes with his other grandparents for two weeks at the state fair. They take their camper and meet up with friends. Of course he is spoiled. He wasn't ready to come home, but he had to come home for school. They are going tomorrow to pick up golf carts and bring them home.
My tea kettle makes me think about the one that I always had on my stove before the microwave. The fingers are staying busy keeping them from getting stiff. It is seems as though we fall apart as we get older or at least that is what I like to say. This is birthday month. My youngest grandson's was the 7th of August. My daughter's was the 13th and mine is the 19th of this month.
We have had the Kansas City Chiefs in town for their training camp at our college. It came to an in, but college classes started . Busy time. Take care.
I love to see your stitching! You are certainly staying busy! And working part time, too! You rock, lady!
Oh your young grandson is so handsome and doing so well! So are they all! Your needlework looks great Shirley! Happy Birthday my friend!
Wishing you a happy birthday Shirley. Your grandson is a handsome fellow. That great smile will always be in style. Looks like he is doing well with his horse . You have magic in your fingers Shirley. I love that teapot stitchery. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
Happy Birthday, Shirley. It is wonderful that your grandboys keep so busy and involved in horsemanship and Boy Scouts. My SIL ran the Boy Scout Sea Camp in the FL Keys after he came out of the Army. Now he works for Harley Davidson but he loved working for the scouts and had spent his childhood in it-Eagle scout and all.
I am glad you are staying busy and doing your needlework. I do believe keeping busy keeps us young-at-heart.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend. xo Diana
Happy belated birthday. You sound busy and happy. So glad your grandsons are doing so well.
Shirley, what a busy summer your grandsons had! I know you're so proud of them! That is really nice that you are working a little. It sounds wonderful that you get your lunch and a ride. Just getting out around people is a good thing!
Happy Belated Birthday!!
so amazing embroidery digitizing usa nice work !
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