Today has been one of those days that I wish I had stayed in bed. Have you ever had people blame others instead of admitting they dropped the ball and didn't do their job properly?
It is always someone else's fault.
I get very frustrated when I get lip service telling me what they think I want to hear instead of doing the job that they are suppose to do.
I have to make up my mind how I want to deal with it. I don't like being a complainer or bitch about everything. I just want people to do their job to the best of their ability. I was always taught if you had a job whether you liked it or not you did it to the best of your ability. O.k. I just need to say that and get it off my chest.
Yesterday was a busy day for me. I stopped by the nursing home to see hubby, then picked up my oldest grandson at school so he could help my daughter get her yard mowed, ended up taking my youngest grandson bowling for his mom. Her hubby got his stitches out yesterday and the doctor said he was doing good. He will be starting cardiac rehab. It will just take a while to get back on his feet. It is not something that will happen over night or in a week. It is just hard to do nothing when you are so use to working every day and you aren't one who likes to sit around.
My youngest grandson is very smart for his age with everything that he has gone through with his dad. He wanted to know if his grandfather uses a pen to take his insulin and how many times a day. He told me all about how his dad did his. He talked about his open heart surgery and he is only nine. It is amazing what they can comprehend at such a young age. He asked his dad if he needed anything before he went bowling.
I am just glad that I am able to help out and do for the kids. It gives me other things to think about and I enjoyed watching him bowl. He likes to do it. He got three strikes while I watched. He is learning. I also watched some of the high school kids bowl. Some of them were pretty good.
I am going to spend the afternoon of running some errands. I am not going back to the nursing home. I was there this morning for a family care planning meeting.
I didn't take the picture of the sunset. It is the Missouri River, but I don't know the location. I just know that I liked it.
My brother went to a nursing home. I know it will be a while before he is allowed to put any weight on his leg. I keep praying for him, but I really feel that he is in the best place. It will allow his wife to recuperate because of her trying to take care of him with his dementia before he broke his leg and suffered a stroke. It is very trying when you are a care giver. It can be very emotional and cause tears when you see things that you wish was different even though you know that it is for the best. Just take every day you are given and pray for the best.
Well enough of this and that. I am still here just busy. Hugs and Prayers to all of those in need. Take care