Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It's cooler

Yesterday couldn't have been better weather wise. It was in the 70's perfect for a day on the road. We had our doctor appointments. I thought my allergies were giving me fits, but come to find out. I have a bad sinus infection. I got put on antibiotics for ten days. I was told it would take at least 3 days before I felt better. I just felt miserable. 
We didn't really learn anything new with hubby. They did more lab work and they are waiting for the results of it. I just know when it is triple digit ,  he has a sweater on and says he is cold. You feel his hands and they are as though you put them in the deep freeze. I keep saying there is something going on that they aren't looking at and I keep getting told it is due to his liver, but to be quite honest, I don't think they really know the extinct of his problems.  
School starts Thursday in town and the 20th of August for my older two grandsons. Two had open house tonight and the other one will tomorrow. I know my youngest is ready to go back to school to see his friends. . 
My grandsons and their  moms went to the Omaha  zoo last week. They had talked about it for quite a while,  Their mom's both had the week off so it was a good time to go. I am hoping for pictures, but I haven't seen them as of yet. 
I have a baby quilt to do after I get done with the one that I am working on. When you put in a wrong color and have to cut it out, then it is time to stop for the evening. I really need to go to bed . Enough of my chit chat. Have a wonderful day.


Vickie said...

Hi Shirley! Sinus infections are the pits. Hope you are all better now. I am sorry to hear of continued trouble with your husband. Prayers have been sent for you both.

Wildflowerhouse said...

Oh so sorry to here it was a sinus infection. The meds should start working soon. Take care.

Unknown said...

Oh, mercy! You two are sure getting a siege of not so fun yuckies. Sinus infections are the pits. Hope you get better quickly sweet friend.

Have a great week ~

Blondie's Journal said...

I know you are happy with the cooler temperatures, Shirley, and so am I, although I haven't been outside much. I spend so much time outdoors at the lake, it's nice to be in the air conditioned house to read or do a few chores.

Sorry about your sinus infection...I'm glad you found it out early as they can get really bad if left untreated. Hope you are feeling better already. And I feel for your husband. He must be as frustrated as you with the lack of progress. My husband complains I keep the house too cold but he's not menopausal!

My daughter is starting her last year of college. The books and parking pass set me back $400.00, and this is just for one semester! I can't believe she is the 4th child we have put through school. I'll be glad when it's over!!

Take care, my friend, and enjoy these cooler days. I'm looking forward to the lake this weekend after missing it last week.


Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Hello Shirley, so nice to meet you. you have the sweetest blog. I shall be back to look around some more. I hope you both feel better.

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Shirley,
I so hope you are feeling better and the meds gave you some relief from the sinus infection. Those are certainly no fun at all. I also pray that doctors can find what is going on with your hubby and the coldness.
Sounds like you have been busy too and so glad you got to enjoy a mild day with lower temps.

Back to school for all the grands means summer is nearly over. My how this season flew by.

Thank you for stopping by while I was on vacation to Santa Fe. It was amazing and much cooler so the break from the heat was wonderful.
Have a nice weekend my friend.
Sending hugs, Celestina Marie