They have a show again this Sunday. It is starting earlier. I hope it isn't to extremely hot, but will have to wait and see. She was going to take them a change of clothes after that happened.
I found that I have a screw in my front tire so I will have to get it fixed in the morning. At least it is not in the sidewall so should be able to fix it easier. I just had to reorganize some of the things that I was going to do.
We had quite a storm in the area yesterday. We were on the southern edge, but one small town had a tornado near it another had no electricity, and I saw some tree limbs down, but nothing on the highway. I waited till I thought it cleared the area before I left. I was have to send more information on my other half, or he wasn't going to qualify for help so I had to make trips to the banks and credit union getting them to give me something stating that he was not on the account or that it was closed.Today when I checked on the status, the letter telling me that he wasn't going to get help was voided and he would still get his help.I wonder if I will get a letter telling me that. I didn't get the one that they sent supposedly requesting more information I know I was so mad that I cried when I talked to them on Friday afternoon after I received the letter. When I get really mad, I always cry.
His little friend two doors down at the nursing home that use to always be embroidering passed away. They would talk and part of the time eat meals together. I would show her what I was working on and she would show me what she was working on. I watched her going down hill. They told me she was getting better. I wonder who they were looking at because it didn't look that way to me. They tell me I should work in that field. No, because I would not put up with some of the stuff that I have seen.
If it is hot in your area, try to stay cool. Have a good rest of the week.