Have you made your plans for Easter? Do you get yourself flowers if no one else does it for you? We are going to celebrate Easter tomorrow instead of Sunday that way my daughter and her family can go to her other side of the house. I will spend Easter Sunday at the nursing home with hubby. He has good days and bad depending on what is going on with him. We are having weekly blood draws so that they can monitor his ammonia level better. It is slowly coming back down.
Tomorrow the boys are going to hunt Easter Eggs. The oldest will be looking for his because they will have gas money in them. That way he can't say that he is to old.
They fitted my middle one with a hearing aid to try. He will wear it for a month and then he goes back to the see the doctor. They don't want them investing in one until then because they are expensive. His ear is ringing all of the time which has to be bothersome for him. He and I get to hang together on Monday because brother has school in the afternoon. I am going to be staying with him this summer. He thinks he is old enough to stay by himself, but not hardly.
Haven't we been having some crazy weather? My heart and prayers go out to those in Kansas and Oklahoma who are suffering because of the devastating wild fires. I think about those that are fighting the fires. We have family both who are trained to do that. I always say prayers for them that they stay safe.
My fingers have been staying very busy embroidering. I have to try to keep something else to think about right now.
These are a few that I have finished in the last two weeks. They don't take long when you spend two or three hours doing nothing else, but this. The kitty cat will hearts was part of a wedding shower gift. I made four all kitty cats. Later on I will do some that are all puppies for another wedding.
Have you ever heard of a wine tasting bridal shower?
That was a new one for me. My daughter said it was very different. Then they wanted you to buy some to help the bride to be to stock her wine rack.
The bird singing is part of a house warming gift. She loves Spring Things and what better way then listen to the birds sing. Her other one is Plant-Grow-bloom which her flowers are the color of Dahlias . I made them burgundy with yellow centers.
The chicken scratch edge sets both of them off. I don't know if that is the proper name or not, but that is what I call it.
I made two for a nurse that is graduating in May. Some of the Saving Lives I tried to keep as close to what they really looked liked.
The bottom Kitty cat and apron tea towels were for the fun and are going to be going in my etsy shop. If you have an etsy shop, have they changed the way it looks. Have you checked it out and do you like what they want to to do.
Saving Lives tea towel shows the border that I referred to up above.
It is a little long and I just thought I would check in. Have a wonderful Easter and if you are traveling have a safe journey. If you can't be with family, pick up the phone and call them. Phone calls can mean a lot to people.
Take care.
Have you ever heard of a wine tasting bridal shower?
That was a new one for me. My daughter said it was very different. Then they wanted you to buy some to help the bride to be to stock her wine rack.
The bird singing is part of a house warming gift. She loves Spring Things and what better way then listen to the birds sing. Her other one is Plant-Grow-bloom which her flowers are the color of Dahlias . I made them burgundy with yellow centers.
The chicken scratch edge sets both of them off. I don't know if that is the proper name or not, but that is what I call it.
I made two for a nurse that is graduating in May. Some of the Saving Lives I tried to keep as close to what they really looked liked.
Saving Lives tea towel shows the border that I referred to up above.
It is a little long and I just thought I would check in. Have a wonderful Easter and if you are traveling have a safe journey. If you can't be with family, pick up the phone and call them. Phone calls can mean a lot to people.
Take care.