Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A beautiful Spring Day

We have enjoyed two beautiful days. Yesterday in the 70's and today we made it to 80 degrees. It makes you think that maybe Spring has finally arrived. Tomorrow they are predicting a possibility of severe storms. I hope they are wrong.
We received a new kind of wedding announcement. It was a picture of the bride and groom to be on a magnet asking us to reserve a special day just for them. You could stick it on your refrigerator door where you would see it often. I knew there was a possibly of getting an invitation. They have been dating for quite a while. At least they were smart and are waiting until they finish college.
Have you ever got yourself involved in something and had second thoughts after the fact. They presented it as being one way, but after you committed to it, they changed their requirements to where it will cost more money then originally stated. I should have known better, but I thought I would give it a try. My hubby didn't think much of the program. I thought it would be interesting and I could learn some more. Well the books aren't at all like they presented them.
Oh well, I guess we all have to learn about our mistakes. I have been trying to decide what kind of a camera I want. My cheap one will not let me do what I want anymore. I guess maybe there is something to the saying when you buy cheap that is what you get or something to that effect. At the time it was what I could afford.
If it keeps going like it is at work, it looks as though we will have a busy summer. We had two new houses start this week that we will be furnishing the material for. I would like to see the one when it is finished. I like the way that it is arranged with a sunroom on the back of the house. The view will be really neat to look at. With it enclosed you don't have to worry about the weather either.
Well you all have a good day.


fannipauline said...

Just stopping in to say Hi to you. My hubby was from Missouri and I remember the beauty of Spring and the redbud trees and the dogwoods. I love Missouri - but have not been back in probably 9 years. Have a wonderful and happy spring. Hugs, Pauline

The French Bear said...

Hi Shirley, sounds like you are having a beautiful Spring, we are still having snow storms!!! Glad to hear your hubby is doing better, except for the medicine part...I sure don't understand the way the system works, they need to make the drugs available for those that need them and stop the highway robbery, some of them are so expensive!! How did the new haircut work out? Have a great weekend and hopefully the program you took part in will turn out okay after all!!!
Margaret B

Cinderella Moments said...

Hi Shirley! I'm glad you are finally enjoying some nice weather. Spring has been very nice and warm here in Texas. Sorry to hear about your books. You can't win all the time. You'll get other fabulous deals down the road. That's how everything balances out in life!
Keep a smile on! :)

Carol at Serendipity said...


Thanks for stopping by and saying hi. Glad spring is coming along and I hope the storm doesn't amount to anything.

I have stopped saying yes to any programs and projects just because it always changes!


Jillayne said...

Hi Shirley!
You're so very right - we do get what we pay for, more often than not. And I'm glad to hear you are getting some decent weather. We are having a terrible Spring here, lots of rain and wind and very cool - not nice for the little plants trying to grow.
Take care and hope you're feeling well!

Rettabug said...

I like your spring decorations! Your blog looks very pretty in purple & lace.

I'm thinking that the only GOOD thing about this rainy spring weather we're having is I'm getting lots of sewing down while not outside puttering with my plants.

I just keep telling myself, God has to water the flowers sometimes!