Tuesday, March 20, 2012


The rain started yesterday and has continued most of the day sometimes heavy. It stayed on the cool side in the 50's. We are maybe going to have a break Thursday with the rain coming back in the evening. I just want it to stop long enough so I don't have to drive in the rain when we go down to the doctors. 
We needed rain, but we don't need the flooding. They are talking about one of our Rivers going out later in the week. 
I know I was glad to get home and change clothes. You get wet just getting to your vehicles. Hopeful I don't get sick. I am going to put a towel in the car so I can dry my hair. I even hurried, but I still got soaked.
We have  had the storms all around us. It is like we are sitting in a pocket. I hope we don't get any of the severe weather. 
Honestly, I didn't wash my car, so you can't blame me for the rain. I did think about it, but that is as far as it went. 
I have been doing some embroidering, reading your blogs, and trying to leave comments.  I fell asleep in the chair last night with my sewing laying in my lap. I was going to watch the news. I didn't see any of that.  I was told I needed to take sleeping pills to help me sleep. I don't want that because it would probably make me dopey and not able to do what I needed to for my other half.  I will be o.k. once Thursday is over with. I am still doing some tweaking with my computer.  I put my Norton 360 on today and took off this weird one that was installed because I didn't like it. I did get my e-mail account working for work. I had the tech come from our Internet service. It didn't take him very long at all. It was a 25.00 learning experience. 
My youngest grandson is counting down to Easter. We are having an Easter party at his house. He wants everything to be a party. My older two has been really busy lately. You have to call to see if they are going to be home. Between school, scouts, 4-h, and other activities they are very busy. They are all healthy at the moment I am almost afraid to say that. 
Have a great week.


NanaDiana said...

Shirley- We really need rain here. We got less than 1/8 of the snow we usually get this winter so we are dry.
I hate when I fall asleep sitting up. I hope you have a good day tomorrow-xo Diana

Debbi said...

Shirley we are getting snow here in Western Oregon....unheard of in late March...you must be on the dividing line between winter and summer on the continent!

Debby said...

I hope that it stops fr the doctors appointment. I have had some bad times driving my mom to the doctors in the rain.
We have had alot of rain. 5 inches in one morning and the flooding that comes with it. Luckily we live on a big hill. Kids are so busy these days. I always limited my kids to one activity and at the most two if it was something for school.
I think every day should be a party, hah.

bj said...

We are having tiny rain showers and out here in West Texas where we are in such a drought, we WORSHIP every single drop. Also, I LOVE rainy, cloudy days...my favorite of all. I love baking and watching movies on these kind of days. needless to say, not much work gets done. :)) That doesn't bother me one bit...there's ALways tomorrow.
Having 10 grands, I relate to "they are all healthy now" as it seldom happens that all 10 are well at the same time. :))

Blondie's Journal said...

I feel bad for you with all that rain and pray that it ends soon. We are finally supposed to get some tomorrow, I heard, but who knows. It has been in the mid 80's for days and my house is SO hot. It's hard to sleep at night and we have fans everywhere. A heat wave in March?

I wish you and your husband all the best at the doctor's appointment. I hope it goes well.


Cinderella Moments said...

It rained a lot here too. I hope you start relaxing after Thursday so you can get some good quality sleep. I'm sure you are preparing some sort of Easter extravaganza for your grandchildren. Good Luck tomorrow.
hugs and blessings

Elaine said...

Send some rain this way..we didn't get much snow and now very little rain..We must live in your other pocket. lol
Take care Warm hugs Elaine

Rebecca Nelson said...

It's raining here too...but not so bad. I'm actually love it because Oklahoma was so dry last year. I just don't having to get out in it so I'm hibernating! :)

Hope tomorrow is GREAT! Congrats on so many years with your beloved. Yes...we are blessed!


Ivy and Elephants said...

Well, a big hello from sunny FLA!
Not bragging,I promise if I could bottle up some sunshine and send it your way I surely would!
Nice to meet you, and I hope all goes well at the doctors. I only have the one grandson, an 8 month old cutie who's battling a cold and ear infection as we speak.
Blessings to you!
New follower,