Thursday, December 19, 2013

Merry Christmas

      The countdown has started with just 5 days left until Christmas. The time has flown by with a blink of the eye. My grandsons all start their Christmas Vacation tomorrow. They are suppose to go for two and a half hours, just long enough to meet the state's requirement for it to be a day. 
     Matt's Christmas program was very good. It was the 2nd and 3rd grades together. They totalled a little over 80 children. Their gym was packed with parents, grandparents, and other family members. Every available seat was taken with some standing the whole time. I did enjoy it. I still don't know what the instrument was called that he got to play along with some others. The weather co-operated giving me enough time to go to the nursing home and being there for him. He is going to play basketball which will soon be starting. I will go and watch him. 
    Our teenagers thought they were to old to have their picture taken with Santa Claus, but everybody got their picture taken including the adults. Even mine was taken with Santa Claus. These are the kids who ride horses all summer with each other at the horse shows.
     They have been having Christmas programs at the nursing home and Santa Claus is suppose to come this afternoon. I will be going up, but a little later this afternoon. I went yesterday and enjoy the lady, who entertained them with her saxophone. She played Christmas music for over a hour with people singing. They served cookies and punch. 
     Hubby along with others got to go on the bus to see the Christmas lights last night there in town. He enjoyed it and that was the main thing. He was tired, but he got out in the fresh air with the temperature close to 60. It is 55 today, but they say that the temperature will change.
    Hope all is well with you and if you are traveling please be safe and careful. So many horrible accidents this year and so much just because they weren't driving for the weather conditions. Take care.  


Vickie said...

Very nice Shirley!
Glad your husband enjoys festive outings and music!

Beth said...

You are never too old to have a picture taken with Santa Claus.

I am so glad your husband enjoyed the outings.

Blondie's Journal said...

I'm so glad the weather was mild enough for your husband to enjoy himself on the bus tour. Fresh air is always good. I love Christmas programs, they bring out the young in all of us!

Happy Holidays, Shirley!


NanaDiana said...

Shirley- I am so glad that you got to go to the kids' programs. How wonderful! I've been doing that myself this week and have one more to go to tomorrow. Your grandkids are really getting BIG! Wow!

I am so glad your hubby got to go see some Christmas lights. He has been in there a long time and it must have seemed like a real treat to him to get out into some fresh air.

It is cold and snowing here tonight. I pray all the time for my kids traveling on these roads.

God bless you and your hubby, Shirley- xo Diana

deb said...

How wonderful for you to see the kids Christmas Programs! That's one thing I really miss since we don't have any little ones in the family.

Nothing is as cheering up as going for a ride and seeing all the Christmas lights. So glad hubby was able to go and enjoy himself. I imagine he was very tired at the end but hopefully the lights did their job and brought smiles to every ones faces.
Praying you have a wonderful Christmas and a much better New Year. Take care of you!!

Susie said...

Shirley, That's a good photo of everyone. No one is too old to sit with Santa. :):) It's nice you got to have time with the I hope you are safe there in Mo. I see where there may have been ice. We have had rain all day today (Sat.)..I pray you have the best Christmas ever. Blessings to you dear friend, xoxo,Susie