Sunday, March 29, 2009
Easter Quilt
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Friday First Day of Spring

Flowers make you think of Spring. I love getting flowers, don't we all. Today was absolutely gorgeous, we were in the 70's and hit 80 today now we will go backwards. I haven't blog for a day or two been a little busy trying to get my Easter quilt finished for Sneak a Peek Wednesday that is coming so you all can see it and tell me what you think. I took time over the weekend to go to a bridal shower for my great-niece. She has been accepted to med-school at M.U. in Columbia, Missouri.
We had to pick some one at each table to be the model, Then the rest had to make her a wedding dress out of toilet tissue. That was funny. The next project we played bingo for your squares you had to guess what her gifts was. When you guessed right, then you got to cover that square. I had never played that before and it was very interesting. They were registered at Lowe's for one place and they didn't want Matt to feel left out so someone got him a power drill and an extension cord. I got to see family that I hadn't seen for quite a while so it was very enjoyable. Our social calendar is getting filled up with weddings, graduations, my sister's 50Th wedding anniversary, my 50Th class reunion, and fit a few birthday's in there for the grandsons.
I am looking forward to my class reunion I will get to see some friends that I have seen in over five years. We are going back and tour our old high school which was on the college campus. We had the student teachers, but we were lucky because we got to use the college's facilities and try things in sports that wouldn't have been possible else wise. the school is now a grade school.
I need to get back to working on my quilt. I hope you had a great St. Patrick's Day.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Happy St Patrick's Day

Thursday, March 5, 2009
80 Degrees

It was so pretty outside that it made you want to play hooky. I was reading blogs tonight. It was fun to be taken down Memorie Lane. I grew up on the farm along with six brothers and three sisters. We each had our chores to do along with taking care of the livestock, which consisted of cows, hogs, chickens, dogs, cats, but no rabbits. I learned how to milk cows,put up hay loose in the barn, shuck corn by hand and dad would come with the team and wagon to get it. We raised our own garden and butchered our own meet. I can remember my mom canning the beef. I remember the wash board and tub and when we got our first electric refrigerator. I remember going to town to my oldest brothers house after he got married and watching television. Our entertainment at home was listening to the radio. I can remember my mom cooking on a wood stove when we didn't have lights and the one room school house where you had all eight grades.
We are to have another nice day tomorrow and then it is back to the rain over the weekend to the cold on Monday. You all have a nice weekend.