Are you ready for Christmas? Do you have all of your last minute shopping done? I haven't really done any shopping because we only do for the boys. They told grandma that they wanted "CASH". Matt wants to buy a dirt bike. Right, he is going to have to save a lot of money for that one. Ethan wants to go go-cart racing. They both have big dreams.
Jake has chosen his technical school and been accepted so that he knows what he is going to do after graduation. He wanted this ariat coat. He has the jeans, boots, and even shirts in that brand.
Grandma has been fitting in basketball games with Matt. We hung out together this past Wednesday. He gave me a tutorial on how to use my tablet that they got me. It is amazing how the younger generation knows so much about electronics. While we went and visited his grandpa at the nursing home, he down loaded four audio books. Whether he listens or reads, he is learning. I stayed for supper then we went to see the Christmas lights.
Had a scare today with my other half. He had a bump on his hand that he decide he didn't like so he used the edge of his scissors to take the top off of it. Needless to say, it bled and it took a little while for it to stop. I don't know what he was thinking. I had a melt down which partially because when my mother passed away it was the week before Christmas and my dad on Christmas Day when he passed away and with my other half in hospice, it was a bit much. Maybe, I had been holding it in for too long and needed the tears to release some of the stress.
We had some mixed rain and sleet this morning while I was out then the sun came out for a while this afternoon. At least it wasn't like the last Friday when we had people stranded on the highways and streets because of the ice. I stayed home for four days. I just don't have enough hours in a day at times to do everything that I want to do.
The family will all be together on Christmas Eve. Christmas Day will probably be spent at the nursing home weather permitting. We are suppose to hit 60 degrees. I hope the weather man is right.
I f you are going to be traveling, please be safe. Enjoy the holiday and we all will probably eat too much. Take Care.