Monday, February 4, 2013


     I made it down to my doctor appointment and got a good report on what he could tell me today. Of course, I have to wait on the lab work, but my blood pressure was the best he has seen it in quite awhile even with the drive down. My EKG was good and we had a good talk about my stress load. He  lowered my blood pressure medicine because he didn't want it to get to low with my living by myself. We talked about hubby in the nursing home. Let"s face it we talked about everything that was going on in my life at the present time even about my job coming to an end. 
     I go back in 6 months, but if I need him before then I am just to call.  He has always been there for me. He knows I don't call unless there is a problem. I felt good after I left his office. He is kinda like family because we have seen him every since hubby first got sick which is starting into the 15th year.  He has always been there even when I have been an emotional wreck crying. 
     We had the birthday party yesterday and grandpa played cards with his grandson's. It was fun to watch. Ethan picked out grandpa's birthday cake. It was white with chocolate icing. They had put balloons on it which each balloon made out of frosting representing so many years. Angie didn't think she could get 73 candles on it and it might cause a fire hazard. He He He got his polish sausage lunch meat sandwich. He loved that.  He was tired after his afternoon, but he enjoyed it and that was the main thing. 
     I have been trying to get warm this evening. It was 45 when I left the city and by the time I got home after stopping at the pharmacy it was down  to 28 which was roughly in a hour  and a half. The wind came out of the Northwest. It was stronger then when I went down. I got my car serviced while I was down there. It was a little early, but I won' t have to make a special trip to get my car service. 
     Our oldest called and wished his dad Happy Birthday. He was going to a job site in Lake Charles, La. He has had to deal with the crazy traffic with the Super Bowl in town. The only thing I liked was the Clydesdale commercial. It made me think about Grant's Farm, and the Brewery in St. Louis where we saw the babies. My kids were little so you know how long ago that has been. 
     Hope you stay warm, safe if you have to be out in bad weather. Prayers are going out for those in need. My list keeps growing, but I am a firm believer that is what is helping my family.  Take care 


Blondie's Journal said...

I'm glad you got a clean bill of health at the doctor, Shirley. That must have made you feel good! I like having a doctor that I can open up to, and I have one, thank goodness.

I missed my appointment this morning, it was like a blizzard here this morning and the doctor is 50 minutes away. Just a dermatology appointment so I'm going next week.

Glad your hubby had a good birthday and thank you so much for your birthday wishes! 53 is looking great so far!

Still sending those prayers to you, sweet lady!


Vickie said...

So nice you had a good doctor's visit. You and your husband are in my prayers.

sweet violets said...

So glad on your good report from the doctor!!! Its bitter cold here too, but the sun is shining so it looks pretty. Also glad for the great birthday time for hubby......have a great week.....hugs...cleo