Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Windy Tuesday.

We didn't get blown away today, but the winds was strong. We were lucky to not have the storms that were to the North and East of us. They say we could get some rain tonight, but I hope not.
We had a wonderful weekend with the family. Matt. my birthday boy, was so excited about his party. His cake was a football field with the players in the center. His name was behind one goal post and his age was behind the other goal post. He informed us it was chocolate and vanilla. Mommy used two cake mixes to make it long enough for his football field.
Ethan and Matt were racing a three wheeler, and a four wheeler down the hill. Jake was the official starter. It was so much fun to watch and make me tired just to watch them.
I thought I would show you a picture of Eeyore who is on his way to a new home in Illinois. He is going to a young couple who is expecting a baby girl in December. It made me feel honored to be part of her decor for their little one's room.

I need to take some pictures of what I have been doing lately, but just never seems to be enough hours in a day.
I promise that I am making my way around tonight for a while before I go to bed.
We were gone for a while this evening. We babysat Matt while mommy and daddy had parent teacher conferences. We played tic-tac-toe. Of course, he won. It wouldn't seem right for grandma to win. Hehe.
They have been doing some fencing so that the boys can have their ponies closer to home. It will also make it much easier to take care of them. It has still been nice enough on weekends that they can ride for a while.
We will just take every nice one that we get. Well I really need to try to go to bed and get some sleep. The new med is not really working like it should. I go back to the doctor Friday. All the insurance company needs to do is let me have my med I know that works. You have to do step therapy. I have tried two now, and it is ridiculous.
I will talk to you all later. Have a great day.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Two Days Off

We left work a little early today, which I didn't mind at all. It gave me a chance to go by and check my booth. It hasn't been as profitable this month. I noticed that there is several that are moving out all ready.
You signed a lease for three months to start with and then it is month to month. I would think that you would want to stay until after Christmas, but then some of the booths rent is quite bit more then mine.
I will have a busy weekend with finishing shopping for my grandson Matt's birthday which we will celebrate on Sunday. I needed something else for him so I called his mommy. He told her to tell me that he needed a new sweater.
He got hurt school yesterday playing kickball. He ran into a pole that didn't give. He has a goose egg on his little forehead and his chest hurt a little. It hasn't slow him down anything. His teacher said you knew he was hurt because he never cries, but he did then. He only has two speeds full steam ahead or crash city when he is a sleep.
We get to baby sit him on Tuesday evening when his parents go to brother's parent teacher conference. The new Lego catalog came so I know what him and grandpa will be doing. He will be showing him all of his wish list.
Work has been very busy with having two new houses starting and they are in opposite direction. It makes the day go faster when we are busy like that. One of the guys cooked us each a hamburger on the grill so we had lunch together and then it was off and running the rest of the afternoon.
Our family will all be together. We will also celebrate my son-in-laws birthday because his is the day after Matt's. Matt thinks it is cool that he is sharing his birthday with his uncle.
We may get some rain later this evening, but I don't think it will amount to much. Have a wonderful weekend.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


I found this picture when I was surfing in Photo bucket. It is absolutely gorgeous.
Why does the weekend have to fly by in such a hurry especially when the weather is so beautiful. It has been cool in the mornings and warms up beautifully in the afternoon.
It is the kind of weather that you want to stay forever, but you know it is going to change in the near future. It is just the way it is when you have the changing of the seasons. I enjoyed being out in the fresh air today even in my own yard.
The boys came and cut the yard. I don't know if it will be the last time or not. That remains to be seen. We are to have beautiful weather most of the week. We might possible have a little rain on Tuesday. We are suppose to get down in the 30's. I would love to have a good frost and then warm back up. It would so help the allergies.
I have started a new medication again. I hate step therapy which is what the insurance says I have to do before they will let me have the blood pressure medicine back that I know works. At least I got to go off all other medicine until we see if this one will actually going to work or not. We finally got the results of my hubby's lab work. They had a hard time finding it and they ended up not doing it right so parts of the blood work was wrong. They are going to redo it. I just want to know if we can have it done here or if I have to make a trip to the city just for that. It means that I have to talk to the doctor's office on Monday. Always something.
We have seen some beautiful scenery over the weekend. I just wish I could drive and take pictures at the same time. Now that would be a miracle, but I am not stupid enough to try it.
I will just wait another week and maybe I can talk my son in doing the driving and I can take my pictures. He was still recovering from having an asthma attack earlier in the week.
It takes time to recoup after one of them.
Well I hope you all have a beautiful week. I will be coming to visit, but I have just been a little busy. Take care

Monday, October 11, 2010

Beautiful Weekend

We had such a beautiful weekend for our trip to see the fall color. The river bluffs are getting pretty and will be probably even more so this week. It was just enjoyable to be outside enjoying the fresh air. We started off in the upper 40's and ended up in the low 80's.
We went South on Saturday for our tootling and North on Sunday.
Today we have had rain off and on through out the day. It is in the 60's at the moment and has been there practically the whole day.
My youngest grandson has a new thing now. To try to get his way, he wants to bargain. I really don't know where he picked that one up. He is looking forward to his party this weekend. Anymore whenever they are having company. It is a party. I would love to be a mouse to watch all of the kids. There will be seven with the oldest being 11 and the youngest being three. They are close to age and their parents all went to college together. The kids can play and the adults can catch up with what each other has been doing. They didn't have to have a babysitter which I thought was nice.
We won't get to do our annual fall trip to Branson this year. Just to many things going on at the moment. I am not to take anytime off the next couple of weeks. I wasn't planning on it because I have used all of my vacation time up with doctor visits and I can't blame my other half for that. I have seen the doctor more this year then he has which is unusual. I am going to try to get back the bp meds that the insurance company wouldn't pay for. The doctor did give me an alternate if necessary. It is in the same family as the one that I want.
So much for that. It is bed time and tomorrow is another day. Have a good one.

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Weekend

The weekend is suppose to be a beautiful one for being outside in the fresh air. Cool in the morning and warm up nicely in the afternoon. A true fall day and being Homecoming.
I would much sooner go look at the fall color after I see if I get my blood pressure medicine back that we know how it reacts. What the insurance company required you to try was stupid. I told my doctor if we are going to try new medicine I only wanted it 30 days at a time instead of the ninety day.
I am to work on that and forget the other issues for the time being so we shall see.
We went to see our older two grandsons last night. We hadn't seen them for a while. My Matt had to tell us how he caught grandpa mule with the corn bucket. He let him stick his head in the bucket without reaching the corn. He walked backwards through the gate and a circle until he got back to the gate. He quickly got through the gate shutting it after himself. It was so cute how he told us. I can really see a difference in him since he started to Kindergarten. They both have to go to bed early because they catch the bus before 7 o"clock.
Jacob was showing us the Christmas ornaments that he cut out. I asked him if he was going to sell some of them and all I have gotten is a long drawn out Maybe. I told him I would take some to the craft show and put it in my booth. I will just have to wait and see.
My youngest one was going to the pumpkin fest. They had 10 rows of pumpkins that were carved and going to have a lighting ceremony. They will have the parade tomorrow for the kids in their costumes.
This month is absolutely flying and I don't know where it is going. We will celebrate our 47Th anniversary the 19Th of this month. When we celebrated our 40Th, we didn't think the way things were going with hubby's health we would make it this far. We did a lot of gambling with new meds and had a lot of people praying for him to help us get this far. Of course, thanks to our doctor, who has been there with us from day one when he was so sick in and out of the hospital every month. Very Very stressful. We just take every day we are given and enjoy our tootling as I call it. It is the most fun because we have no particular destination in mind when we take off. We just pick the direction. Tomorrow I think we will go see the River Bluffs toward the South because they should be getting quite a little color.
Well it is getting late so I better close for today. Have a great weekend and I hope you have beautiful weather where ever you are.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Pretty Tuesday

I thought this was a neat old truck. They thought at work it was either a model A or model T. They weren't for sure. We were just out for our drive when we saw it and I took a picture.
I thought I would show you a couple of my tea towels. My pictures aren't doing them justice that is for sure. I sold a tea towel at my antique mall which it has taken just about the time element I thought it would. It is rather hard because you are competing against so many that has been bought at an estate sale or auction. I thought about making me a sign to say all items are hand embroidered by Shirleystitches. I need to do something to let them know that I do them myself.

The spots are done so that you can run your fingers over them and they feel like they are raised up. I just thought they were cute. The tea towel is a little different with the stripes and a solid corner in each of the four corners. It just shows you some of the things that I have been doing lately.

The doll was done by my niece's aunt. I thought she was really neat. She does some real neat things and I just thought I would show you one. She looks darling in their bridal gown.
We have been having some beautiful weather. It has been cool in the morning and warm in the afternoon. The leaves are starting to turn.
This weekend is our college's homecoming. I don't know if we will go and watch or not. The kids all graduated from there. I know that we have been selling some lumber to kids building floats for the weekend.
Hope you all have a beautiful day.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


The fall color is starting to show in our area. Today we started off at 34 degrees and have warmed up to 54 degrees at the moment. We are only suppose to get up to the 60's which will be all right.
We had frost on the back window of the car this morning. When we have the good frost then it will help the people with all of the allergies.
We went to Jamesport, Missouri to find some towels that I was looking for . The owner of the shop can get them for me, ship them, and made me a wonderful price. It was well worth the trip.
The drive lets us see some fall color , we came home a new route, so we got to see some country side that we hadn't seen before. As long as we have plenty of gas, I am not afraid to try a different highway as long as I know where we are suppose to end up.
My son and his family should be on the way home from being in Branson, Missouri. They were going to spend Friday at Silver Dollar City. They left Thursday afternoon after their oldest got out of school. Of course, they had to call and tell us that they were eating supper at Lammert's south of Springfield. It is one our favorite places to eat when we go that way.
I have been busy working on my towels for the craft show. I haven't got my pictures taken yet. I just hope people like them.
Have a great Sunday. We may take another drive today if it isn't to late when the laundry gets done. I am washing winter coats right at the moment so we will have them when it is time all nice and clean. Take care.