The sun peaked in and out during our drive to the city today for our doctor appointment. It was just the start of them for a while. We have five on the calendar already for next month. They are going to be monitoring his blood count very closely for one thing with it so low it is putting stress on his heart.
He just has a lot of strikes against him and I know that one of these days I will no longer be able to care for him at home and still work. I told the doctor that I am not ready to think about that yet, but I know the day is coming.
Lets talk about happier things. The rain held off until we made it home and I need to go shopping for Easter for my three boys. I really don't want to buy candy because I know they are going to get enough of that without grandma buying it. I am thinking along the idea of gift cards to where they get to go shopping and pick out what they want. I thought about taking the three of them shopping, but I know grandpa would have to go and I don't know if I can handle the three or if their parents would o.k. that. It would definitely be interesting with the younger two. Maybe my daughter and daughter-in-law would go to. I will asked and see what they say. Of course I got reminded of how many more days until Easter by my youngest. Anybody else have any suggestions for kids that have everything.
I was going through some embroidery work and I found one of the baby quilts that I have done except for the border and some out-lining that I need to do. It is amazing sometimes when you are hunting something else what you come across that you have forgotten about.
I am taking a little me time and going to go visit some of you all to see what you have been doing. Have a great weekend. I plan on it because it is to be in the 70's and sunshine. We have dropped 12 degrees since we got home.
Hi Shirley! It is hard to buy for kids, isn't it? I give my girls hair things, rather than candy. Bows..or those flowers that clip into their hair...and they all love those.
I am so sorry to hear about your husband. Life is hard sometimes. I have always said it is a good thing that we can't see the future because we would lose heart to continue forward. God bless you- I am praying for you and your husband- xo Diana
Thinking of you ...I know how much of a drain it is on you being the I use to buy my grandkids a theater pass , Subway coupons.. Enjoy your me time...
It's very sad when you lose your health. I'll keep praying for you both.
You gotta get candy! I mean you are a grandma and you shouldn't be concerned about what's good for them. LOL! This is the fun part. Let their parents worry about that stuff. You did your time. Now enjoy those grandkids and spoil them rotten! :)
hugs,blessings and prayers
I'm happy that your rain stopped...finally! Wish you were feeling more comfortable about your husband...I will say many prayers.
Boys are hard to buy girts for and I don't know how old yours are. A pair of sports shorts or a jersey always worked well for mine and you can find them at Walmart or Kamrt.
Hope you have some luck!
Take care my friend!
Hi Shirley, just catching up on what you are going thru with your husband's health problems. I totally understand. My heart has given us some scary times. I'll keep you both in my prayers.
Sounds like your grands keep you hopping and enjoying life. Have a wonderful Easter Week coming up. I love the photos on your sidebar with the horse. What a fun time that must be for the kids. Thanks for always coming by, I so appreciate your comments.
I'm ready for the rain to stop and get on with some of the sunshine! xo Debra
Am keeping you in my prayers, its so hard sometimes, but you have good family and friends around you for support....lean on them!!!
My boys always loved baseball cards, and I would buy a box full!!! Also movie tickets, fast food tickets, golf pass, baseball cage pass, DVDs, and tickets for ball games if you have teams in your town. Tickets to the car wash if they have a car of course!!! My one son collected stamps, so there would always be some special ones I could get from local dealers. Please stop me now.......hugs...cleo
Bless your can get so hard at times.
Prayers for all of your family.
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