Sunday, October 28, 2012

Just made it home after spending the day at the hospital. They won't let me stay all night with him in ICU so it is about 35 minute drive home depending on traffic. 
It has been a trying weekend, but the blood count has held after 7 units from the time of surgery until last night. 
Today was spent dealing with the pain medicine. You buy yarn at Lowe's, His heart monitor need plugged in, except he was hooked up to a wireless one,  he itched, just a few of the things to deal with.The way he was scratching, I was afraid that  he would get where he was scratching bleeding. They came in and gave him medicine for that so between the two he was almost to sleep as I was getting ready to leave. They did sit him up in a chair, but he was so afraid that he was going to fall. they took pictures of his foot this morning. It is not broke just badly bruised so needless say his whole right side is very painful to try to put any wait on it.
They bent the rules so he could see his grandson  yesterday. It made him feel a little better seeing him.  I will have to take pictures of what I have got done at the hospital. I made my first embroidered handkerchief. 
Well I need to go to bed. All prayers are greatly appreciated. Have a good week. I just want the month over with. 


Debby said...

Oh Shirley, I am so sorry. I had to go back and read your last post. I missed that one. I have been gone for a week and hadn't gotten to all of my blogs yet.
So sorry about the fall and the replacements and all. I hope he will be okay.
I am glad that youa re able to do something while visiting him. (((((HUGS))))) and prayers.

Vickie said...

I am praying for both of you.♥

NanaDiana said...

Oh, Shirley- My heart just aches for you and all you are going through. I am praying for both of you. I am glad they let your sneak your grandson in for a visit- xo Diana

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Dearest Sweet Shirley
I do wish I lived where I could help you. I am just so sorry your going through all of this.
I have been lifting you both up in prayer.
Hang in there dear friend.
We all love you

Debbi said...

Shirley, I have been so out of it visiting blogs. It seems that when it rains it pours. You are a strong lady, hang in there, virtual hugs and prayers coming your way!

The French Bear said...

Shirley, I too am sorry for all that you have been going through, I am sending you all my prayers and a big hug!!!!!!

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

I'm just getting caught up with reading after some time away and am so sorry to hear all you're going through, Shirley. My thoughts and prayers are with both of you.

Vicki said...

Hi, Shirley,
Just checking in to see how things are going for you and your hubby. It sounds like he is making some progress so that is good. I know he loved seeing his grandson. These grandchildren have a way of brightening up even the darkest of days. Take care of yourself, sweet friend. I know your embroidery is looking beautiful. Love the pieces you are showing in your header! Lots of love and hugs~Vicki, your Texas friend

Vicki Boster said...

Hang in there sweet Shirley-- keep your stitching by your side. It will calm you and your husband. Prayers will not cease--- get some rest.